Monday, April 2, 2018

A Purpose Driven Life - Chapter 30

A Purpose Driven Life Chapter 30 - Our Place in Serving

Chapter Overview:  Rick has an acrostic that he is using on this chapter and the next - SHARE. The first letter was spirit. Rick wrote about how all of us are giving spiritual gifts by God. We can't add more to them or retract them. We need to be aware of what they are and exercise them for gods glory. The second letter was Heart. Was the first letter service?
Serving God with heart and passion

2011 (40 years old)

The basic jest I got out of this chapter was there are things that you inherently have a passion for. And because you are passionate about them, you are good at them and working at them is not a bore or a drain for you. These are part of the heart purpose that God has put in you.

Yesterday Jim and I were comparing notes on transformation at work as the ERCB (the company I was contracting at back then) is going through a big transformation in IT. Many people including us don't know exactly where this transformation is going, what their involvement will be, who and what all the new people are, and why they are all required. It seems like a lot of resources for change. What is our target - do we have tangible results that we can shoot for to say we have achieved a successful transformation. Currently a lot of titles have changed, but the people in the roles seem the same or no improvement...

2016 (45 years old)

God never wasted anything. 'God works through different people in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purpose through them all'. 1 Cor 2:6. In what ways can I see myself passionately serving others and loving it?  Music in a band, playing piano at the hospital. Teaching. Writing. Hacking?  Where am I the most enthusiastic?  'Whoever does not have the spirit cannot receive the gifts that come from the God' Spirit'. 1 Cor 2:14. I need the spirit of God moving in my life, manifested in love. Without it I am nothing, and I'm just noise.

For background on what these 'Purpose Driven Life' posts are about, click this link.
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 1 - Its Not About Me
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 2 - You Are Not an Accident
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 3 - What Drives You?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 4 - Eternity In Our Hearts
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 5 - What is Life?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 6 - Life on Earth is a Temporary Assignment
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 7 - The Reason for Everything
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 8 - You Were Planned for God's Pleasure
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 9 - What Makes God Smile?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 10 - The Surrendered Life
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 11 - Friend of God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 12 - Friend of God II
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 13 - Worship That Pleases God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 14 - When God Isn't There
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 15 - Part of God's Family
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 16 - What Matters Most
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 17 - You Belong
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 18 - Life is Meant to be Shared
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 19 - Made for Community
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 20 - Restoring Broken Fellowship
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 21 - Unity of the Church
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 22 - Transformed to be Like Christ
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 23 - Transformed by Thought
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 24 - Transformed By Truth
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 25 - Transformed by Trouble
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 26 - Transformed by Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 27 - Defeating Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 28 - It Takes Time
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 29 - Shaped for Serving God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 31 - Finding Your Specific Purpose
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 32 - Using What God Gave You
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 33 - How Real Servants Act
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 34 - Thinking Like a Servant
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 35 - God Uses Our Weaknesses
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 36 - You Were Made for a Mission
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 37 - Sharing Your Life Message
  • My Appendix to Chapter 37
  • My Testimony Based on Chapter 37
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 38 - Becoming a World-Class Christian
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 39 - Balance
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 40 - Living With Purpose
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