Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Purpose Driven Life - Chapter 3

A Purpose Driven Life Chapter 3 - What Drives You?

What are you driven by?
Chapter Overview: Everyone is driven by something. Rick gives examples of what people are driven by:
  • Guilt - living in the past
  • Resentment - again, living in the past
  • Accumulation of things - an endless circle of dissatisfaction
What drives you? What would your friends say is it that drives you?

2011 (40 years old)

Going through a book like this (or a course in school) will never have a big influence on your life if you aren't hungry for it to change you. Are you ready to be changed- to be a better person, to grow into everything you have the potential to be? If you aren't hungry for that change you can still go through the book (of course) and it can still affect you but only superficially.

Comment on Feb. 13, 2011 after reading this again later - after I've finished the book...
What drives you?  What you pray about the most might help answer this question.  Also, what pops into your mind the most while you're trying to pray might be another clue.  In North America, are we driven by our desire for ultimate recreation (based on the guest speaker's sermon this morning)?  Keeping up with the Jones'?

2016 (45 years old)

Living on purpose is the path to peace. What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life?  What do I want it to be?  They would probably say work drives me.  I know after The Strength Finder that it's my sense of responsibility that drives me.  I'm certainly also driven by a sense of guilt and competition.  The more I think about this the more I realize that responsibility is a driver for me. When I didn't have much responsibility I wasn't super motivated to do stuff.

For background on what these 'Purpose Driven Life' posts are about, click this link.

  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 1 - Its Not About Me
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 2 - You Are Not an Accident
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 4 - Eternity In Our Hearts
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 5 - What is Life?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 6 - Life on Earth is a Temporary Assignment
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 7 - The Reason for Everything
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 8 - You Were Planned for God's Pleasure
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 9 - What Makes God Smile?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 10 - The Surrendered Life
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 11 - Friend of God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 12 - Friend of God II
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 13 - Worship That Pleases God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 14 - When God Isn't There
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 15 - Part of God's Family
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 16 - What Matters Most
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 17 - You Belong
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 18 - Life is Meant to be Shared
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 19 - Made for Community
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 20 - Restoring Broken Fellowship
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 21 - Unity of the Church
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 22 - Transformed to be Like Christ
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 23 - Transformed by Thought
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 24 - Transformed By Truth
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 25 - Transformed by Trouble
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 26 - Transformed by Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 27 - Defeating Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 28 - It Takes Time
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 29 - Shaped for Serving God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 30 - Our Place in Serving
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 31 - Finding Your Specific Purpose
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 32 - Using What God Gave You
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 33 - How Real Servants Act
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 34 - Thinking Like a Servant
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 35 - God Uses Our Weaknesses
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 36 - You Were Made for a Mission
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 37 - Sharing Your Life Message
  • My Appendix to Chapter 37
  • My Testimony Based on Chapter 37
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 38 - Becoming a World-Class Christian
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 39 - Balance
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 40 - Living With Purpose
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