Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Purpose Driven Life - Chapter 17

A Purpose Driven Life Chapter 17 - You Belong

Chapter Overview:  God has a family and you belong to it. Rick wrote about the importance of belong to the local church as part of gods family. He basically made a very distinct correlation between consistent church attendance and the health of the believer.

2011 (40 years old)  

I think I agree with him. He talked about the least of these again and told a story about a Leper colony in Hawaii where a priest went to help and he would identify with them always saying 'us lepers'. Rick listed a bunch of reasons why he felt it was important to be a part of the local church and even said that the original use of the word 'member' had it's origin from that context or connotation in the bible (we are all members of one body). I'm reading Max Lucado's book One Life to Live also right now and I'm starting to confuse the two books a little bit. Max talks a lot about helping the poor and the chapter I read last night spoke of prejudice and getting off your high horse - he used the example of Peter and Cornelius. It's crosses over pretty well to Rick's Chapter 17 if you ask me.

I belong - group of guys having fun, busting a move outside

2016 (45 years old)

I am called to belong, not just believe. Does my level of involvement with my local church demonstrate that I am in love and committed to God's family?  I think so. Interesting thoughts from this chapter: Jesus did not promise to build your ministry; he promised to build his church. It seems easier to be holy when no one else is around, but that is a false untested holiness. It is easy to think we are mature when there is no one around to challenge us.

For background on what these 'Purpose Driven Life' posts are about, click this link.
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 1 - Its Not About Me
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 2 - You Are Not an Accident
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 3 - What Drives You?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 4 - Eternity In Our Hearts
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 5 - What is Life?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 6 - Life on Earth is a Temporary Assignment
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 7 - The Reason for Everything
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 8 - You Were Planned for God's Pleasure
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 9 - What Makes God Smile?
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 10 - The Surrendered Life
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 11 - Friend of God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 12 - Friend of God II
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 13 - Worship That Pleases God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 14 - When God Isn't There
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 15 - Part of God's Family
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 16 - What Matters Most
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 18 - Life is Meant to be Shared
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 19 - Made for Community
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 20 - Restoring Broken Fellowship
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 21 - Unity of the Church
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 22 - Transformed to be Like Christ
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 23 - Transformed by Thought
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 24 - Transformed By Truth
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 25 - Transformed by Trouble
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 26 - Transformed by Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 27 - Defeating Temptation
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 28 - It Takes Time
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 29 - Shaped for Serving God
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 30 - Our Place in Serving
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 31 - Finding Your Specific Purpose
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 32 - Using What God Gave You
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 33 - How Real Servants Act
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 34 - Thinking Like a Servant
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 35 - God Uses Our Weaknesses
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 36 - You Were Made for a Mission
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 37 - Sharing Your Life Message
  • My Appendix to Chapter 37
  • My Testimony Based on Chapter 37
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 38 - Becoming a World-Class Christian
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 39 - Balance
  • Purpose Driven Life Chapter 40 - Living With Purpose
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