Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Names of God - Emmanuel

God with Us

Why am I writing about the names of God? 
Another important name of God in the Bible that was given to Jesus (prophesied by Isaiah, attributed to Jesus by Matthew) is Emmanuel - God with Us.  

While I don't have a specific experience that stands out where I could say that makes this name of God significant to me, I take a lot of comfort from all the verses in the Bible that tell me God is with me.  I need this comfort and encouragement because believing that He is with me is a faith journey a lot of the time.  I will admit, I'm sometimes a bit jealous that the people of Jesus' time actually got to see him, hear him, touch him.

Bible verses that I often remember in my prayers when I thank God for his presence with me are:

  • He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother - Proverbs 18:24
  • He is an ever-present help in time of need - Psalm 46:1
  • Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with me - Psalm 23:4
  • He will be with me always, even unto the end of the age - Matthew 28:20
  • They will call his name Emmanuel, God with us - Matthew 1:23

God with Me

When I was growing up, I made more than one announcement to my parents that I wanted to be a hermit, live in the woods along, and work my own trap line.  After I left home, the idea of being a hermit didn't last long.  While I do enjoy my solitude, I also enjoy companionship.  Walks with my wife lately are a cherished activity.  

One of the first things God said in Genesis after he created Adam was 'It is not good for man to be alone.'  While I do enjoy my wife's companionship and she is a fantastic helpmate in many problems, sometimes even my wife can't understand the things I struggle with - a work issue, or something else - and I can feel very 'alone' in a problem.  The comfort of knowing that God is 'an ever-present help in time of need' is paramount.  He promised to be with me, listen to me, and walk through this with me.  The catch? I have to believe these promises.

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother
Photo by Jan Canty on Unsplash

Other Names of God Significant to me..

Anxiety and Ambition

Ambition I turned 40 in 2011.  I felt it was a significant age in my life and you can read from this blog post and this journal entry: Feb ...