Tuesday, October 4, 2022

New Every Morning - Journal Entry Sept 2022

As I've grown older, I begin to recognize patterns and attitudes in my daily living that I didn't pay attention to when I was younger.  For example, I've noticed if I haven't exercised in a while and then a do some intense cardio where I'm breathing hard, the next day or two will find me coughing up phlegm a fair bit.  Its not a cold, my lungs are 'cleaning up'. 

Another example I've noticed is that some evenings when I'm very tired - particularly after a more intense day - my attitude suffers.   My thoughts tend to get quite negative and brooding.  I can be grumpy with others, and I find it much easier to blame God for things and wonder negatively about my station and position in life.

God's Mercies are New Every Morning

But then...  I've also discovered this other amazing thing:  I can go to sleep and wake up in the morning feeling and believing that 'its a new day with new opportunities and new hope!'  I also find it easier to forgive other people and the issues I had with them from yesterday.  I believe God gives me this gift most mornings - I'm able to see my life with a renewed, refreshed perspective.  

Morning sunrise - God's mercies are new every morning
Photo by Dawid ZawiƂa on Unsplash

This might sound a bit silly.  And yes, there are mornings where I definitely get out of the wrong side of the bed and I'm grumpy.  However, for me this 'hope and grace' in the morning is a tangible proof of what the prophet Jeremiah says in Lamentations 3:22-23:  

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

God's grace and mercy is new every morning, for us!  Why wouldn't I want to remember that and take advantage of it?  I try to pray specifically for help with that, every morning!  I want to continue to try and receive and embrace it, whether I feel like it or not.  Will you, too?

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